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Diabetes Support Group

Designed to provide education and support to individuals living with diabetes. Hear from experts on a variety of topics, including: nutrition/cooking demos, diabetes medications, exercise, problem solving, etc. This support group is free to the public. No registration required.


SSM Health St. Joseph Hospital - Lake Saint Louis
Zoom Link: https://ssmhealth.zoom.us/j/94153494978?pwd=YkpGeGZhUDNOL005cWpLdjZHSEcyZz09
Meeting ID: 941 5349 4978
Passcode: 702087
Held the 4th Tuesday of each month from 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. (meetings are not held in November or December)

SSM Health St. Mary's Hospital - St. Louis
Zoom Meeting ID: 917 1476 9422
Passcode: 065089
Held the 1st Thursday of every month from 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
person testing glucose on another person's finger

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