Thoracic Surgery

Innovative Treatments & Personalized Care

The thoracic surgery program at SSM Health offers the latest surgical procedures for diseases of the non-beating organs in the chest cavity. Our team of thoracic specialists includes multi-disciplinary experts throughout the system. This expert group provides comprehensive diagnoses, innovative treatments and personalized care for patients with abnormalities in the chest.

Whether you are seeking care or simply looking for a second opinion, schedule an appointment with our thoracic surgery team today.

Advanced Thoracic Procedures

SSM Health thoracic surgeons use minimally-invasive surgical techniques whenever possible. These minimally-invasive approaches allow our surgeons to operate through small incisions that are just one to two inches long. For you, this means less time in the hospital, less scarring, less pain and a faster recovery after the procedure.

Our thoracic surgeons have extensive training and experience using the most advanced, proven technologies available, including robotic and video assisted thoracic surgery (VATS).

Robotic Surgery for Thoracic Conditions

Like VATS, the da Vinci system gives your surgeon access inside the chest cavity through tiny incisions. This surgical system allows for more precise movements and control and improves visualization of the lung's anatomy with its 3D technology. Our thoracic surgical team will commonly use robotic-assisted surgery to treat diseases such as lung cancer, achalasia, GERD, thymoma, myasthenia gravis and paraesophageal hernias.

Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery (VATS)

Video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) involves the insertion of a long, thin camera, called a thoracoscope, through a small incision. The thoracoscope's miniature camera allows your surgeon to view and examine your chest cavity in greater detail.

Depending on your condition or the treatment you need, minimally-invasive thoracic surgery may not be an option. Our surgical teams will perform a thorough evaluation of your overall health condition to determine the most appropriate treatment approach for you. At SSM Health, our board-certified thoracic surgeons are among the best in the country, so you can be assured you’re in getting the best possible care. Find a provider near you today.

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