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Josie Dean, PA

Orthopedic Surgery

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1110 N Lee Ave

Suite 200

Oklahoma City, OK 73103


Josie Dean, PA-C works alongside Dr. Jessica Faught, orthopedic foot and ankle surgeon, to care for patients with a wide variety of foot and ankle conditions, offering both surgical and non-surgical solutions. A member of SSM Health Bone & Joint | OSOI, one of Oklahoma’s leading orthopedic and sports medicine practices, Josie graduated with a degree in biology from Newman University in Wichita, Kan., before earning a Master of Health Science degree as part of the University of Oklahoma College of Medicine Physician Associate Program. She has more than 20 years of experience in hospital and clinic settings, as well as providing orthopedic sports medicine care on and off the field. She is a member of the Oklahoma Academy of Physician Assistants and the American Academy of Physician Assistants.


University of Oklahoma Health Science Center

Hospital Affiliations:

St. Anthony Hospital - Oklahoma City

Medical Interests:

Ankle injuries and disorders, Foot injuries and disorders

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